The Wordle Postgame Report is a brief analysis of a game of Wordle, the five-letter-word guessing game now owned by the New York Times. If you do not play Wordle, Indignity encourages you to please skip this item. The existence of the Wordle Postgame Report does not constitute an endorsement of playing Wordle, of not playing Wordle, or of the New York Times.
January 18, 2023, CHARD, 3/6
I SAW THE Ben Smith book galley on my desk and remembered that SMITH is also a non-proper noun. I played it and got four gray squares and a yellow H. HORDE kept the H yellow, adding a yellow R and D. That put the H somewhere on the interior, presumably in a combination. TH- and SH- were already out. Unless there was a DH- or RH- involved, the H and the RD were going to stay separate. So: CH- and -RD, and O was already out. CHARD. Last night's vegetable, as it happened. The grid served up a row of greens.
The Wordle Postgame Report will be posted semi-regularly on the website of the Indignity newsletter, and on Popula, which we encourage you to support. Thank you for reading!